MicroNet Solutions is a company offering reverse software engineering services in Albuquerque, New Mexico. They’ve also created a program they offer to clients, Pix2Net.
What They Needed
Though MicroNet Solutions is a group of brilliant software engineers, their website was in need of a facelift. There wasn’t a real hierarchy of elements, leaving users confused as to where to look or click.
How I Helped
I started with a complete redesign of the website, losing the pixelated graphics and creating clean, easy to follow user flows. Next, I added a members-only functionality to the site so that Pix2Net clients could log in and download the latest versions of the software at will.
The Results
The clients loved the site, and wanted to add an email marketing campaign to match. Since then we’ve also done some search engine marketing and Facebook advertising, so I’d say the results were pretty positive.